The mad rush of putting things together has finally slowed down...the day before the store opened was probably the busiest day of my life...interiors work was still happening, we had products that still needed to be tagged...and after that was done the important but fun task of display! Making the display a lot easier was my friend Namratha who gave me beautiful interiors that didnt need us to break our heads about on how to display...but still I have to thank my friends, cousins, my siblings and most importantly my mother who stayed with me through the whole day and half the night to make sure everything looked beautiful and ready for the opening...Another person who I just couldn't do it without would be my sister, who helped me make the invites, photographed patiently as I kept moving things around...I felt really lucky to have this wonderful people around was celebration for all of us...It's just many more things to do now...bring beautiful crafts and along with them stories...I am eagerly looking forward to traveling and meeting the artisans of India!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
It's here, It's here!
It's been an insane couple of days and I can't begin to imagine how stressful the rest of the day is going to be...but it's happening, some things are falling into place, some things are taking longer than expected...we are going to open in a small way tomorrow and I am really looking forward to having everyone see what I thought needs to be seen! So many years of thinking about what I wanted to do..and the store is small but powerful manifestation of the things that I want to do...So come be a part of the beginning...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
There is exactly a week left for me to open the store...the number of things running through my mind is insane...trying to decide things from what ribbons to use on the tags and what hangers the clothes should be hung from...its the little things that take forever, the color on the walls was easy but the color of the ribbon is taking a lot longer! My father laughs at me and calls me accountant, secretary, designer, sales, marketing, office boy and whatever maybe the need of the hour! It's been such a journey and there is so little time left and I think I am glad that there is very little time left...second guessing myself is a bad habit I possess. Some preview photographs at the work that is going on, the color schemes and odd construction!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Once the date is set there are so many things to finish on time. Making sure all the products are hire, all the stationery, the collaterals, interior details, last minute orders....its such a rush...expectantly awaiting the signage that should come tomorrow....somehow there are these small things that make it seem like its very real....a little price tag or a shopping I know that it is definitely going to happen!
So...two videos and a small story...
A friend of mine was working on a story for a magazine about FabIndia and John Bissell (founder of Fabindia). John Bissell was very fond of Ikkat and worked with weavers from Koyalgudem, a village very close to Pochampally. Pochampally mainly weaves silk Ikkat, usually in a saree format. Koyalgudem does mostly cotton fabric in large quantities. Bissell with the help of Suraiya Hassan (video about her in an earlier post) used a lot of Ikkat and helped the weavers in coming up with new designs, brighter colors...the weavers in Koyalgudem compare John Bissell and Suraiya Hassan to Gods...the village thrived at one point being a place of great when you see it, there is only run down houses, all the stores that used to sell the fabrics are boarded up, fewer and fewer people are weaving now. One of the weavers we met said that it is difficult to get cotton and the price they get for finished fabric has not changed while the price of cotton has increased multifold. There is also new industries coming up around the village where daily laborers get paid more than how much the weaver would make. There used to be a dignity attached to being a weaver and now there is simply poverty...
This is a spindle machine that prepares the threads for the loom. Master weavers have this machine as well as looms, while there are some people who just do the preparation and earn very little while doing that.
This is a video of two men dyeing the prepared threads. One of them is wearing gloves while the other isn't. I was there, I saw the dyes, and they were very strong chemicals. Also the lack of footwear had caused a lots of wounds on the feet of not just these men but also the women living in the house. The dyers make the least money in this hierarchy of weaver and people doing the preparatory work.
Just some things that were on my mind for a while...sharing them...hoping we can do something about this...
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Very soon...
After many months of dreaming, sourcing, building its going to happen...if all goes well The Secret Garden store is all set to open on the 22nd of August! Its such an exciting and nervous time for much to look forward many stories waiting to be many people whose stories of dedication to the craft to be much so much!